Edge of the World: Sites

The Edge of the World: A Breathtaking Journey


Jebel Fihrayn, popularly known as ‘The Edge of the World,’ is undoubtedly one of Saudi Arabia’s most stunning natural wonders. Its nickname is fittingly derived from the panoramic view of the horizon it offers from the precipice of its towering 300-meter cliffs. As a part of the sprawling Tuwaiq escarpment, this mesmerizing destination provides an unforgettable glimpse into the region’s fascinating geological past.

Places to See in Riyadh

A Panoramic Vista Like No Other

Perched atop the towering cliffs of the Edge of the World, visitors are treated to an awe-inspiring sight — an unbroken view of the expansive plains that stretch out beneath the escarpment, falling roughly 305 meters into what was once an ancient ocean bed. The dried riverbeds weaving across the landscape tell tales of time past, and on a clear day, one might spot camels trekking below, following the path of an ancient caravan route that once traversed these grounds.

Geological Origins: The Making of the Edge

The creation of these remarkable cliffs is a testament to the power of natural forces. The Edge of the World is the result of tectonic movement of the Arabian plate towards the northeast, driven by the spread of the Red Sea rift located a thousand kilometers west of the Tuwaiq escarpment.

The cliffs stand as a living record of Earth’s history, revealing layers of sediment deposited here when the eastern part of the Arabian Peninsula was submerged under a shallow tropical sea during the Jurassic period, approximately 150 million years ago.

Places to See in Riyadh

An Outdoor Museum of Fossils

As you traverse the rugged terrain, keep your eyes peeled for remnants of a time when this arid land was teeming with marine life. The region is rich with fossils, preserving the memory of its oceanic past. But while these geological treasures make for fantastic photography subjects, remember that they are protected artifacts that must remain in their original setting.


The Edge of the World offers more than just a breathtaking view; it’s a journey back in time, a testament to the power of natural forces, and a spectacular outdoor museum. This captivating attraction stands as a must-visit destination for anyone looking to experience the majestic beauty and rich history of Saudi Arabia.

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