Expats in Riyadh – Pros and Cons

Riyadh - Pros and Cons

Embarking on a journey abroad is a thrilling life experience filled with numerous considerations including finances, housing, healthcare, and safety among others. Making a well-informed, life-changing move entails an understanding of the pros and cons to maximize the benefits of living abroad. For those contemplating a move to Saudi Arabia, we present a balanced view of life in its vibrant capital, Riyadh. Here are some Pros and Cons for living in Riyadh.

Riyadh: An Adventure Amidst Heritage and Culture

Riyadh, the capital city of Saudi Arabia, thrives as an economic hotspot. Rich in ancient heritage and culture, Riyadh is a cornucopia of delightful local cuisine and riveting outdoor activities. Once acclimatized, expats can find their life in this city to be an enriching adventure.

But what exactly are the upsides and downsides of life in Riyadh for expats? Let’s explore.

Pros of Moving to Riyadh

Attractive Salary Packages

One compelling reason for choosing Riyadh is the lucrative salaries and the bonus of no income tax. Furthermore, most job contracts also provide perks like company cars, medical insurance, and education allowances. Banking, construction, engineering, medicine, and IT sectors are particularly promising for expat job-seekers.

Affordable Essentials

Everyday goods, electronics, and petrol are reasonably priced in Riyadh. Imported goods might be pricier, but there are many city markets offering affordable food and drink.

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Safety Measures

Thanks to stringent laws and harsh punishments, Riyadh maintains a low crime rate. High walls, guards, and stringent security measures in living compounds ensure expats feel safe and secure.

Quality Education Options

Riyadh provides quality education for expat families, with numerous international schools throughout the city. However, there’s intense competition for admission and school fees may be on the higher side.

Comfortable Living Compounds

Expats generally reside in gated communities of apartments and villas located in the city’s northern and eastern suburbs. These compounds offer a relaxed lifestyle with convenient facilities such as shops, gyms, restaurants, and schools.

Cons of Moving to Riyadh

Workplace Hierarchies

There have been reports of disparate treatment and pay disparities among expats working in Riyadh, with managerial roles typically assigned to Western expats, while production roles are filled by expats from India and the Philippines.

Costly Accommodation

Living in secure and comfortable expat compounds comes with a hefty price tag. Aside from high rents, tenants are also expected to pay a 10% deposit and six to twelve months’ rent upfront, plus utility bills which can rise significantly in the summer months.

Cultural Differences

Saudi Arabia, operating under Sharia law, is a strict Islamic state with cultural expectations that expats are expected to respect. The treatment of women, the ban on alcohol, and lack of nightlife can lead to significant culture shock for newcomers. However, things are starting to change.

Living as an expat in Riyadh offers a unique blend of opportunities and challenges. Weighing these factors can help you decide if Saudi Arabia is your next home. To prepare for your journey, ensure you have international health insurance or check out our other expat insurance products including cashless health insurance.

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